Right-click the file and select ‘Properties’ at the bottom of the menu popup.ĥc, Select ‘Everyone’ in the Group or user names box.ĥe. Windows may throw up a security message indicating System Admin privileges need to be set. Open the following directory on your computer:Ĭ:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUpĬopy the StartupOrder.bat file from your desktop to the above Windows startup.Save the file to your desktop as StartupOrder.bat.(Note F below is where My Book CD appears on my computer so you may need to change OFF To create a batch file open Notepad and type the following:.What I did to get this to work is to create a batch file and place it in the Windows Startup folder. I learned, after clicking the help icon on the WD Drive Unlock dialog, that the unlock utility does not have Windows 10 listed as a supported operating system.